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Owais Shamsi CPA

“We know your business, so we can turn the cost of bookkeeping into an investment for your business”

How can Pro Accounting help with Wealth Management Accounts?

Pro accounting could manage, financial planner and budget your accounts for a safe future and your business growth, it would ensure good financial status throughout the year. Planning for your financial future isn’t just about taking care of your credit score and managing your debts only. Investing in the perfect market is an important part of any financial plan. Market understanding and investing wisely could require a lot of time and expertise. Some of the business may put off investing because they aren’t sure how to get started, or worried that investing requires large sums of money upfront. A wealth management account helps simplify investing for those new to the game and professionals.

What Is A Wealth Management Account?

Any account that invests your funds in the stock market is known as a Wealth Management Account. There are many different types of asset management accounts, historically many of these accounts have been available only to those with significant wealth or assets to manage. If you’ve avoided opening a wealth management account because of high investing minimums, don’t worry about that pro accountant knows more options are available than ever to investors of any income bracket and it is good for investors. Using your preferences, we recommend the right investment strategy and level of risk to help you reach your goals on schedule. Based on your personalized investment strategy, a pro accountant invests your money in exchange-trade-funds (ETF), which allows you to efficiently invest in a diverse portfolio of stocks and/or bonds. While there is always a risk of devaluation and loss of money with market investments, investing early and leaving your funds in the market may help your money grow over time. “Pay a little, invest in a lot”

Why Invest with a Wealth Management Account?

You might think your business is too young to worry about investing, whatever your goals are, remember that investing may help you reach your goals even sooner. Let’s say you start saving $100 a month at the age of 20, and you know that $1,200 per year in your savings account. After 25 years of saving you’d have $30,000 in your account. Now, what would happen if you still saved $100 per month, but instead of saving your money in the account, you invested that money? Putting those annual savings in the market allows your money to grow and compound. While rates of return cannot be confirmed, and investments may lose money, over time, money tends to grow when left in the market only. Long-term market growth and the magic secret sauce known as compounding interest means that by the time you’re 45, your investments could be worth way more than $30,000. Investing is a way to put your money to work better for you. When you’re busy getting paychecks, your money can be hard at work earning cumulative interest in the market.

How does a pro accountant work with a Wealth Management Account?

First, a pro accountant takes a good hard look at your goals. Of course, every good goal needs an action plan to make it happen. The financial planner will recommend a personalized investment portfolio for you based on things like your business age, the amount you wish to invest, your risk tolerance, and your assets. Don’t worry, though, you always retain ultimate control? You have the power to adjust your risk level and select the plan best for you. The planner includes a risk simulator, so you always know how both your risk tolerance is factoring into your investment plan. Once you have an investment plan in place, investors build a portfolio from a wide selection of ETFs. These ETFs might include things like U.S. stocks, treasury bonds, international stocks, high-yield bonds, and real estate. A Wealth management Account helps you avoid some risk by diversifying the types of investments you own. Instead of sticking all your money in one asset, we know your investment needs diversifying leverages your exchange trade funds over many different asset classes. That means that if one asset tanks, not all your eggs, or all your money, are stuck in that one basket.

“No investment is risk-free, but diversifying your holdings can undoubtedly help you weather the market”.
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